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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Loving Layers

My favorite thing about the colder season is layering. Every layer has a function and we wear them for a reason. You may even have some of these staple pieces in your very own closet! So here is my list of "must haves" for layering.

1. A bright colored coat.
       Let's face it, your outerwear is the first thing anyone is going to see from the months of October-March, so why not have it pack a punch? For example this gorgeous BCBG overcoat is a great statement piece.

2. Skinny Jeans.
      If you don't already own a pair, then you have been living under a rock for the past 10 years, but it's ok, I'll let it slide. These are great to wear with  basic flats or a pair of boots. I always find it's easier to get them into a boot the more tapered they are on the bottom. I am a huge fan of 7 for all mankind.

3. Cashmere Sweaters.
          These look amazing with ultimately anything. Whatever your style is, whether you like wearing skirts, leather or printed pants, this sweater can be worn with all of them! These are just some of the gorgeous cashmeres we have ranging from brands like Juicy Couture, Bloomingdales, and Robert Rodriguez (along with so many more).

4. Knee high boots.
            These are great for the office or a night out on the town. Change up the look by wearing a stacked heel or a flat boot. You can wear them with a dress or a pair of jeans, whichever fits your personality!  These boots are in our Ridgewood store for UNDER $200!

You can wear these looks all together or create your own layered look! Send them to us via twitter @doubletakecon #lovinglayers. All of these looks can be found in our Ridgewood location.

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